You should also perform some configuration from CLI.
Connect to device by SSH.
FG100D # config system email-server
FG100D (email-server) #
set Modify value.
unset Set to default value.
get Get dynamic and system information.
show Show configuration.
abort End and discard last config.
end End and save last config.
//execute show command to view your current settings.
FG100D (email-server) # show
config system email-server
set reply-to ""
set server ""
set port 587
//execute get command to view your current settings.
FG100D (email-server) # get
type : custom
reply-to :
server :
port : 587
source-ip : //define source-ip in order to FG to access email server in different subnet
source-ip6 : ::
authenticate : disable
security : none
FG100D (email-server) # set source-ip 10.5.x.x (FW interface IP address that can reach messaging server)
Now, FG will be able send alert emails to messaging server in different subnet
Be sure you already configured relay on your messaging server.